
October 20, 2007

Is it straw or is it hay?

My last post jogged a memory back to when we got the chickens. We went out to get the girls from a breeder. There were geese, hens, roosters just all wandering around everywhere. Nathan got out of the car and proceeded to talk to the owner's father who was visiting her and he said to him "those chickens have hay in there!". The father corrected him by saying "no, that is straw". I'm standing there going "hmmm, yeah" and it got me wondering just what hay was and what straw was?! So upon arriving home, off I went a googling and now know...

Straw is dried stems of cereal grains (like wheat, barley and oats) (sidenote: wonder how this will affect Nathan and his gluten intolerance if he comes in contact with it??)

Hay is mowed grass, dried and used as fodder

So, I knew about hay, but not about straw - now I do!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Heh, I didn't really know the difference either ;) We're looking for *something* for our chickens right now... Need to find something that's in small bales that we can lift, everyone around here seems to have large round bales.

Saw you from MDC :)
