
October 29, 2007

Garden Envy

I know I don't need to be suffering from it! *sigh* I knew I shouldn't have looked at online pictures of some beautifully groomed raised garden beds full of veges all ready for harvesting. Then to compare them to my au naturale permaculture garden without borders to allow for the chicken tractor to be easily moved on and off, full of weeds and long grass since I'm saving my energy rather than picking them out when I am not ready for needing the space at this stage...*sigh*


Rach said...

If I get a chance I'll take a piccie of my garden and post it;-)
This, I can assure you, will make you Feel Much Better.

Nik said...

Yeah, go on - make my day!

Anonymous said...

You should come and check out my barren wasteland lol!