
October 09, 2007

An egg a day...

Since we reassessed the chooks diet and increased their daily intake of pellets we have been rewarded with one egg a day. I'm still hoping for more, but I'm just happy that there's been an improvement. Today was the first day in a week that we've been able to let them out for a run around since the weather has been so terrible (and I only have them out when I'm down there too). One of them even slipped through the fence into the neighbours, so a quick shimmy over the fence by me sent her back through and the hole blocked up. She was being quite frisky today and flying up onto the coop and off again and making a right racket - I reckon she is our late layer (around 2pm) since she was racing around weirdly and in our out of the layer box the entire hour I was down there and once I put them back inside and then checked 1/2 hr later there was an egg there waiting for me.

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