
September 16, 2007

Just a pottering weekend

Well, our weekend only starts on Sunday's now (and finishes on a Sunday, but we get Tuesday as well) so since I've been hanging out all week to get into a few things that have just been hanging around, we finally got onto them today. After a slow start since I had to go and pick Nathan up from his nanny's house where he stayed the night and after picking up some compost (I've used up my own supply), going to the library and back home it was 11am. But, it was a really productive day that saw us outside for the majority.

~ Repotted my corn seedlings (new ones) out of the propogator into their own pots to remain under cover for a wee while longer (loving my new (hand-me-down) workbench set up on my front porch for doing gardening "stuff")
~ Planted more corn seeds in the propogator
~ Dug a trench along one fence in my front yard (after Simon had mowed the lawn) and added compost and transplanted a heap of my self-seeded pumpkins that are coming along nicely - and they were still there at the end of the day without the birds scratching them out! Have found homes for some of the other seedlings that I am loathe to rip out.
~ Dug out along the front of the house (ornamental grasses got transplanted elsewhere) which is a lovely sun trap to make way for my capsicum plants eventually and this will also take next years tomato plants to ensure rotation from the other sunny corner of the house where they are going this year
~ Reorganised/swept my front porch so it no longer looks like a junk yard
~ Had Simon tidy up the front yard and remove the dug out camellia's that were still lying around
~ Transplated my kumquat tree into the front yard that was in a pot on my porch looking very sad, so I'm hoping it will bounce back to life
~ Was domestic too and made a lovely soup and bread for dinner (amazing how a break from soups for a few weeks makes them more appealing again lol) and Simon even had a batch of muffins made for his lunches (have phased out supermarket muesli bars) and I trialled making hummus yesterday which was amazingly easy and tasty and for half the price of store bought
~ Simon continued on chopping and sorting firewood for next year while keeping a ear out for Nathan who had found a new friend over the back fence and was off over there playing

Roll on Tuesday so we can get out for another bike ride.


Sandra said...

What are you going to do with your camellia plants? Some guerilla gardening....?

Nik said...

Hmmmm, these were originally massive trees with huge roots (which had resprouted with growth) - so no, they were composted. Maybe I could have done that with my ornamental grasses if I didn't have a home for them.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a productive weekend
good on you