
September 29, 2007

Hand-crafted tools

My gardening tool stash is quite *old*. Mostly it is made up of hand made tools that my granddad made. It's amazing how they really have lasted for so long. Granddad would be about 110 now, which really does date the tool stash even more than usual.

I also have this cool tin watering can which my nana handed on when she recently moved out of her own home and no longer needed gardening items (not entirely sure of it's history or where it came from though). It is such a cool can. It is lovely to hold, pours so evenly without leaking and the spray that comes out the rose spreads about half a metre in diametre. This can holds a LOT of water as well.

The only downside is that it's a pain in the bum if Helpful Children add dirt and grass - it clogs up the pipe bit and takes a bit of sloshing around to keep on watering...and then of course I forget to empty out the crud for next time and repeat the same process again. Today I *did* empty out the crud and went back to a happy time watering.

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