
August 23, 2007


Yum! I have been meaning to get some citrus trees in, so a few days back I bought a lemon and mandarin tree. The lemon has already been planted in my front yard (after watching carefully for the best placement for sun/shade/and not shading my herbs or square foot garden lol). Nathan proudly welcomed it by doing a wee at the base of it - just what lemon trees like hehe. I'm still in the process of trying to dig out some camellia trees that have regrown after Simon's half hearted attempt a few years back to get rid of them (two more ornamental plants that bite the dust in favour of edible), so I have been gradually digging away to get them out, but not much luck - think I need some of hubby's strength to pry it loose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yum such yummy fruit