
June 28, 2007

Why have I only just discoverd microfibre??

So....people have been raving about this stuff for cleaning with for ages (I already use it as an absorbant pad in Danielle's nappies to boost it). I thought it was all a bit of hype and just another way to nab the consumer in...afterall, my vinegar and baking soda with a sponge did just fine thanks!

Well, it's fabulous! I bought myself a single cloth today and a floor mop with a washable mat made of microfibre. It was just as easy as I've heard, minimal elbow grease required and no cleaning product to remove grime and dirt (although I do still like my vinegar for disinfectant purposes where required). I ended up wiping down all the interior windows and removed that mid-winter mould that was starting to build up. It soaked up all the condensation that was STILL there at 2pm (I'm very slack at wiping it away, but thought was probably healthier for our home environment to be doing that - it's only just started to appear in the mornings with it being a bit cooler lately).

I then moved on and cleaned the window sills, skirting boards, grimy marks on the walls, laundry tub, washing machine...and then remembered that I was meant to have been vacuuming but got waylaid for an hour. And Pfffttt to the mess the kids were creating in Nathan's room the whole time!

So, now I think I just need a few more so they can be dotted around in convenient areas.

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