(Groovy patterned hand sewn apron from my nana - my first apron!)
I love receiving hand-me-downs and buying 2nd hand. It's not even so much that it's a means of saving me money, but much more...
* I find it wonderful to reuse items, especially those that have been treasured by the previous owner. I get the joy out of extending the life of something and often the gifter loves to see their previously treasured items living on. I am mindful of only accepting what I *need*, it can be too easy to say "yes".
* I enjoy coming up with my own unique use of an item or if it's clothing, it can be refashioned into something new.
* It means one less item that I am buying new from a large corporation with goods likely made in China and shipped all across the world to New Zealand.
* Receiving used items is having a flow on effect helping me be more mindful when down at the mall (in fact I rarely go there for the purpose of "browsing" anymore), I know that whatever I *need* or *desire* can often be found at a 2nd hand shop or will *appear* when needed. The less I shop - the less I have the desire to go shop.
* My children are less inclined to see only things of value as coming from a shop.
Then there is a following for what is called The Compact. I investigated doing this, but have decided that where I am at is to just be more mindful rather than have strict rules that don't quite fit with me just yet.
I feel blessed to have people who are willing to offer me used items. I also love to pass on things to others who are open to receiving.
"The less I shop - the less I have the desire to go shop" I agree. The converse is also true. It's almost like a physical addiction isn't it?
That's for sure. The thing too, the shopping (and it was mostly just browsing) was driven out of boredom - so once I filled the void with other more fulfilling things it seemed to do take away the need to go shopping. Of course, I still feel the pull as soon as I step in a mall, and look at things and almost convince myself I "need" something. It's quite weird actually.
Cool fabric! Cool granny!!
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